CalcEx is an advanced calculator, in which you can type complex expressions and record your calculations as formulas for using them again later on. It is intended to ease up your personal calculations with a user friendly interface without having advanced features reduced. You can still use the full power of evaluation of complex expressions and usage of formulas, and it is still easy to understand and use.
There are five fields that you can enter expressions. You can either have them calculated at once separately, or you can establish relations Between them. These relations are simply established by having a calculated value in another field in the current one that you are typing your formula into. For example, you can use the value in the second field in your formula just by typing "E2" in your formula. For having the result of the first field in your calculation, you can type "E1" and for having the result of the third, type "E3" and for the fourth and fifth just type "E4" and "E5" respectively. As a numerical example, you can type three numbers into E1, E2 and E3 and have their mean value by typing "(E1+E2+E3)/3" to the fourth field.